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Rate Structure

Water Usage Rates and Fees are billed monthly, in arrears.

Rate and Fees are as follows:

Use Rate: $13.82 per 1000 gallons water, used to cover operation and maintenance expenses of the water and wastewater systems. This fee covers expense categories such as electricity, septic tank pumping, water treatment and system maintenance, engineering, Sanitary Survey and NOV Compliance.

Capital Rate: $6.95 per 1,000 gallons water, used towards water and wastewater capital improvements. This is based on the concept that if a customer uses more water, they cause proportionately more wear and tear on the system. Some years will require more water or wastewater project dollars, some years will require less. The rate is set to balance the funds versus needs over time with a steady rate, so large rate increases are not required in any particular year. However, it is generally advised that capital fees increase every year with average inflation, so that a modest, steady, rate increase is anticipated in future years.

Operations & Maintenance Fee: This flat fee is calculated by looking at the water and wastewater operations and maintenance fees that are incurred no matter how much water any customer uses. For example, administration and accounting fees, monthly potable water testing, periodic potable water testing (larger panels every 38 3-5 years), quarterly wastewater monitor well testing, and periodic water tank inspections. These are required expenses for the water and wastewater, no matter the volume used, so the fees are shared by all connectors.

Capital Fee: This flat fee is calculated by budgeting for capital improvements that must be completed on the system. These costs are shared by all connectors no matter how much water they use or wastewater flow they contribute. While it is best practice for every water and wastewater utility billing structure, it must be noted that this District has never previously collected Capital Fees for current year’s projects or Capital Reserve Fees for future capital improvements. Both the water and wastewater systems are in need of large capital improvements and the District must begin collecting this fee component to complete work required now and in future years.